Did you know that a katydid insect can jump 20 times it’s height?


At Katydid we want to support you to reach great heights too. We work with businesses and individuals, enabling them to realise their goals and aspirations and achieve meaningful and sustainable growth. Take a leap and contact Katydid Consulting today.


We believe sustainable growth occurs when people, customers and strategy are aligned for the future.


We know that successful businesses and individuals live and breathe their brand, they’re crystal clear on their market differentiation, have a water tight strategy, engaged leaders, an enabling culture and have aligned their people to achieve their purpose and vision.

Unlike many business and workforce strategists who focus on driving change from the inside, we turn this around and challenge you to look at yourself and your business from the outside in – from a customer’s viewpoint – now and in the future. We work with you to interrogate your brand, articulate what it is that makes you stand out, understand your point of difference and define the experience you want your customers to have. Your culture, your people, and your leadership skills should all be primed to deliver on this purpose and vision.


Our direct approach allows us to get to the heart of the matter.


We will take you through a proven process, honed through many years of practice and experience and designed to align your people with your customer and business strategy. Through facilitation, coaching and guidance we will help you to understand what sets you apart, make the tough decisions that you and your business need to grow and to be more competitive now and in the future.

We’ll work with you to consider your business and your personal brand from all angles, and develop and drive a strategic pathway to success.

Find out more about our approach and contact us today.